The anti-cottonwool schools where kids stare down risk in favour of nature play

Lady Forster Kindergarten - Gallery Photo 59

This is a great article from the ABC about public primary schools in WA…

Far from wrapping children in cotton wool, a growing number of WA public schools are doing the opposite, giving their students the opportunity to race around on rollerblades, fly off ramps in crates and slide down trees.

They are setting aside injury concerns to help children build resilience and squeeze in much-needed physical activity, in an age where screen time dominates and where one in four children is either overweight or obese.

Schools that have adopted the so-called "anti-cotton wool" approach cite a long list of benefits to the approach, which result in happier and healthier students able to play more creatively and cooperatively.

City of Port Phillip NDIS Expo

Lady Forster Kindergarten News: NDIS Expo

The Port Phillip NDIS Expo on Thursday 19 July (10 am to 3 pm) will be an opportunity for local people living with disability to meet with over 60 service providers, attend info sessions and see some great performances by people with lived experience of disability.

The event is relevant to any person under 65 living with disability, their families and carers.