Park Ranger Will is visiting LFK

On Tuesday 30th April, Ranger Will, a local Park Ranger from Parks Victoria, will visit LFK to lead an educational talk on the North Port Phillip area including:

  • “My patch” which spans the coastline from Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary all the way to Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.
  • What a marine sanctuary is and why it is important
  • What kinds of creatures you will find in these areas (fish, invertebrate, plants, algae, and birds)
  • A small show and tell of some invertebrate, bird, and fish bones
  • Some of the threats to the area
  • Finishing with any questions the children might have.

We’re all excited to meet Ranger Will! 

You can meet many of the park rangers working across Victoria and learn more about what they do, here.

Beach Clean Up Day

The sun popped out for more than 40 volunteers who scoured our foreshore for litter at our Beach Clean Up morning on 20 April.

More than 7kg of litter was meticulously gathered by children and adults alike. 

A big thank you to our community for caring for country, clearing our nature spaces of litter and caring for our local wildlife habitats.

Let the Beach Walks begin!

Term One has seen our Coastal Curriculum commence with the start of our weekly beach/bush walks with children.

The children have been excited to explore the foreshore and as autumn sets in, mushroom-spotting has become a highlight as the children notice the rhythm of the changes in season.

In the six seasons of the Boonwurrung, Autumn is known as Manameet which means ‘good’