Nature Play Groups in Port Phillip

nature play groups

The City of Port Phillip are working closely with the Port Phillip Eco Centre to see how we can support the establishment of nature play/beach/bush playgroups in Port Phillip.

What is a nature play playgroup?

A group of families that meet in a regular natural environment (e.g. a quiet corner of a local park, a small neighbourhood creek, or the beach) and connect to nature and their children through play. Meeting regularly gives children the opportunity to play outside often, in all weather conditions, and to build on prior play.

Why is this important?

The opportunity to experience play in a natural environment is recognised as a critical component of early childhood development. During community consultations last year for the Children’s Services Policy Development, the community (including children themselves) told us that helping children access natural environments was important. This is reflected in Every Child, Our Future: Children’s Services Policy, under Policy Objective 7: Children will have access to natural environments that allow them to learn about and experience play in nature. This includes natural environments within early years’ services

Who will this be suited to?

All families who live, work or visit the City of Port Phillip are invited to get involved. Playgroups are suited to families with pre-school aged children (from birth to school age). You may already be connected to a playgroup and want to find out how you can incorporate some nature play activities, or you may not know anyone in the area. Everyone is welcome!

Ok, I’m interested. What do I do now?

  1. Sign up to our Nature Play Playgroup mailing list to receive updates
  2. We are planning a 2.5 hour information session for parents that will involve an educational component (a neuro developmental therapist providing insight into how the brain works and how easy it is to incorporate nature play-based, brain enhancing activities into playgroup settings) and a practical session where an educator from the Port Phillip Eco Centre will lead us through activities such as sensory garden storytelling, minibeast safari, and exploring the indigenous forest in the St Kilda Botanic Gardens. We would like to schedule this session to suit as many parents as possible, so please indicate your preferred time of the week through this poll:
  3. Like the Family, Youth and Children Facebook page to stay connected on this, and other activities and services for families in Port Phillip.
nature play groups

Boonwurrung Cultural Incursion

Boonwurrung Incursion

This week we had an action packed session with Jaeden Williams who is a Yalukit Willam man of the Boonwurrung.

Jaeden came to LFK to perform a traditional Welcome to Country smoking  ceremony and teach the children about the history and beliefs of the Boonwurrung people who have been the custodians of much of Port Phillip Bay for around 125,000 years. 

Each time Jaeden comes to LFK we learn a little more about the culture and language which we can pass on to our children so that future generations will have a greater understanding of, and respect for our first peoples. 

Boonwurrung Incursion

Deepening Our Local Indigenous Connections

Deepening Our Local Indigenous Connections
Deepening Our Local Indigenous Connections
LFK children with delegates from South Korea at the start of the Smoking Ceremony.

LFK recently hosted an international delegation of educators from South Korea and to pay respect to the traditional custodians of the local lands, the Boonwurrung people, we started the day with a ‘Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony’ led by Jaeden Williams.

The kindergarten has built a close connection with Jaeden over recent years. Jaeden Williams, is a proud Yalukit Willam man and custodian of the Boonwurrung. The Boonwurrung ancestral lands extend from the Werribee River, inland Melbourne and along the Mornington Peninsula to Wilson’s Promontory.

Jaeden has been pivotal in introducing the local Boonwurrung culture and language to the children of LFK, teaching them Boonwurrung words they can then share with others. Boonwurrung is an indigenous Australian language traditionally spoken by the Boonwurrung people of the Kulin Nation of Central Victoria prior to European settlement. The last remaining traditional native speakers died in the early 20th century, however there is an active revival movement underway in the Indigenous community and we are committed to supporting this by Jaeden’s work with LFK children.

Our language is like a pearl inside a shell. The shell is like the people that carry the language. If our language is taken away, then that would be like a pearl that is gone. We would be like an empty oyster shell.

Yurranydjil Dhurrkay, Galiwin’ku, North East Arnhem Land

Jaeden collaborated with a local artist last year to present an art workshop for the children. He retold the Port Phillip Bay first peoples creation story and the children produced mural paintings depicting the story. In 2019, Jaeden will accompany the children on one of their beach excursions, teaching them about native plants, trees and creatures as well as sharing ancestral stories of the land. This excursion will lead in well to plans for development of an indigenous garden in the area currently fenced off for pending works to the fence and parkland (Elwood Play Space) adjacent to the kindergarten.

We thank Jaeden for enriching our kindergarten with a local indigenous perspective.

Deepening Our Local Indigenous Connections
Jaeden Williams of Bunjil’s Biik prepares for the Smoking Ceremony at LFK.
Deepening Our Local Indigenous Connections
LFK children produced two mural artworks in 2018 with their interpretations of the creation story presented by Jaeden.

LFK Chosen to Host International Delegation of Educators

LFK Chosen to Host International Delegation of Educators

Lady Forster Kindergarten recently hosted 18 delegates from South Korea during late February as guests of the Victorian Department of Education and Training. The delegation came to see to see ‘play based learning’ principles in action.

The delegation was visiting Victoria from Busan in South Korea- sister state to Victoria, to explore potential new models for kindergarten and childcare centres.

Lady Forster Kindergarten was selected to showcase their programs as a high performing kindergarten with a strong play-based learning program. They also welcomed local MP James Newbury and City of Port Phillip Deputy Mayor Louise Crawford as special guests on the day.

LFK Chosen to Host International Delegation of Educators
The children were not very impressed when shown that in South Korea they eat seaweed!

LFK has been providing play-based learning programs for the children of Port Phillip for almost a hundred years and through its coastal curriculum program, provides a unique immersion experience in its own ‘backyard’ location nestled into the coastal foreshore of Elwood beach. Lady Forster’s coastal curriculum is similar to ‘Bush Kindergarten’ programs but features the ever-changing coastline of Port Phillip Bay and the unique native bush environment and eco-system of the foreshore habitat.

The day was a great success, beginning with an exchange of gifts and then Jaeden Williams, a local Boonwurrung man, performed a smoking ceremony and ‘Welcome to Country’. The delegation accompanied a group of children on a beach walk to showcase the Kindergarten’s coastal curriculum and then the children sang some Australian animal songs as part of a special group time.

The teaching staff from South Korea were eager to learn about the Victorian early learning systems and had plenty of questions for the Lady Forster teachers.

LFK Chosen to Host International Delegation of Educators
The visiting delegation of educators from South Korea were eager to learn about play-based learning principles and the coastal curriculum at Lady Forster Kindergarten.
LFK Chosen to Host International Delegation of Educators
The South Korean delegation of educators hosted by the Department of Education with President of Lady Forster Kindergarten, Amy Demediuk, after the Welcome Ceremony.

Indigenous Incursion at LFK

Lady Forster Kindergarten - Boonwurrung Workshop

Our final incursion for 2018 is a special one where the children will focus on the indigenous history of the Boonwurrung people and land where Lady Forster Kindergarten resides and our connection to country – a particular focus of the committee this year.

Jaeden Williams, a proud Yalukit Willam man of the Boonwurrung, returns to LFK again this year to perform a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony with the children, together with a recounting of the story of Port Phillip and an art workshop.

The Boonwurrung lands extend from the Werribee River, inland Melbourne and along the Mornington Peninsula to Wilson’s Promontory. We are very fortunate to have Jaeden present this incursion and teach about the stories of our nations’ first people and the local Boonwurrung lands of Port Phillip; traditional art styles of the Boonwurrung and the celebration and significance of the welcoming ceremony.

For more information on Jaeden’s work, see attached.

Trivia Night Report

Trivia Night 2018 Sponsors

The Trivia Night on 25 May was a huge success!

Thank you to all our volunteers who made the Trivia Night a huge success. Thanks especially to Tammy Rip and Lynn Hendrix for the huge task of organising the event – we raised nearly $5,000 for the kindergarten which will be reinvested into new resources for the children.
Thank you to all those who came along or donated to the event.

A tremendous THANK YOU to all the local businesses who so generously contributed to our Fundraiser Trivia Night. We are truly thankful for your support and investment into our community kindergarten.
Parents and Friends, let’s support our local businesses:

  • The Leaf Store
  • Salon Forma
  • Flight Centre Australia
  • Kinnon
  • Bubba Pizza Elwood
  • Rub Club
  • Specialty Trees
  • That Style Chick
  • Pash Flowers and Homewares
  • Little Sunflower
  • Mad About the Girl
  • Little Leggs
  • Classic Cinema Elsternwick
  • Back for Health
  • Chiropractic Wellness Centre
  • Stay Tuned Sports
  • Medicine-Wellness Centre
  • Fat Jaks
  • Hello Willow
  • Big Mouth St Kilda
  • Bang Bang R.C.
  • Repubica St Kilda Beach
  • Johnny’s Elwood Bodega
  • Jimmi Jamz
  • frank green
  • Petiquette By Caroline
  • Play Soccer Australia
  • The Source Bulk Foods
  • The Dakkery
  • Mama’s Milkbar
  • Sight and Sound Galleria
  • The Leaf Store
  • Salon Forma
  • Flight Centre Australia
  • Kinnon
  • Bubba Pizza Elwood
  • Rub Club
  • Specialty Trees
  • That Style Chick
  • Pash Flowers and Homewares
  • Little Sunflower
  • Mad About the Girl
  • Little Leggs
  • Classic Cinema Elsternwick
  • Back for Health
  • Chiropractic Wellness Centre
  • Stay Tuned Sports
  • Medicine-Wellness Centre
  • Fat Jaks
  • Hello Willow
  • Big Mouth St Kilda
  • Bang Bang R.C.
  • Repubica St Kilda Beach
  • Johnny’s Elwood Bodega
  • Jimmi Jamz
  • frank green
  • Petiquette By Caroline
  • Play Soccer Australia
  • The Source Bulk Foods
  • The Dakkery
  • Mama’s Milkbar
  • Sight and Sound Galleria
Trivia Night 2018 Sponsors