*NEW* Virtual Tour of our Kindergarten

We’re VERY excited about our new virtual tour of LFK up on our website home page.

With the help Lucas from Venue3d Tours, families now have a birds-eye view of the kindergarten and the places we explore nearby in our nature excursions.

Have a look around inside each room at kindergarten and our outdoor play space and Kitchen Garden.

This will help our prospective families see just a little more of our fabulous kindergarten.

Check it out on our homepage: www.lfk.org.au


Introducing Seedlings Nature Playgroup

A new community playgroup, Seedlings Nature Playgroup Port Phillip, will be starting this month.

The playgroup organisers are all local parents and will lead the first month or two of playgroups.  The playgroup is an affiliate member of Port Phillip EcoCentre and registered with Playgroup Victoria.

Families are welcome to join at any time.


Alternate Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 am – 12pm commencing Tuesday 16 February. Families are welcome to join at any time.


Location will rotate between the lovely parks, beaches and bushland in Port Phillip. The first session on Tuesday 16 February will be at St Kilda Botanic Gardens (meeting at Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street).

More Info

Details for future sessions will be posted on the Seedlings Nature Playgroup, Port Phillip Facebook page and emailed to parents on their mailing list.

For more information please email: seedlingsplaygroup.portphillip@gmail.com

LFK School Readiness Funding Plan 2021

School Readiness Funding provides extra support for kindergartens to help children to get the most out of their early learning. School Readiness Funding is supporting children in all funded kindergarten services in Victoria from 2021.

This funding is a permanent and ongoing part of the Victorian kindergarten funding model.
It funds programs and supports that builds the capacity of kindergarten services, educators and families to support children’s learning and development outcomes.

At LFK we have worked with our regional DET Early Childhood Improvement Branch to develop our School Readiness Plan for this funding in 2021.

Next year we will partner with some outstanding providers for delivery of our School Readiness Funding Plan at the kindergarten.

There are four components to our Plan which include:

  1. STAR HEALTH will facilitate 11 x sessions to support educators and children in the areas of language development, social maturity and communication.
  2. EARLY LIFE FOUNDATIONS will deliver four webinars for families through the year on topics including:
  • The importance of childhood and play
  • Building resilient children
  • Setting our children up for success
  • School preparation and transition
  1. ABECEDARIAN APPROACH training will be undertaken by teachers Liza Taylor and Erin Heapes to support language development in children at the service.
  2. CULTURAL SUPPORTS will support the refinement of our draft Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and commence delivery on some Actions within this Plan.

We are excited to deliver these components of our Plan next year and thank the Victoria State Government and DET for this new funding at Lady Forster Kindergarten.

For more information see the School Readiness Funding Fact Sheet for Families here.

Draft Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) released for LFK

The first draft of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for the kindergarten has been released today.

This is a very important commitment to reconciliation for LFK.

There will be refinements to come before our final RAP is submitted for approval by Reconciliation Australia, but these documents establish an initial framework for consultation/collaboration/action.

There are three versions of the document all available on our website here:

Summary RAP – a brief overview of the actions that make up our RAP.

Poster RAP – a display version of our RAP on a single page.

Detailed RAP – all the detailed goals and deliverables for each ‘Action’ in our RAP

We’ll start finalising the RAP and implementing Actions from early next year and will consult with staff, families and the community along with local Boonwurrung custodians as we move through this process.


At Home Activities For Children In Port Phillip

Lady Forster Kindergarten - At Home Activites for Children in Port Philip

This is a useful page developed by City of Port Phillip with ‘at home’ activities for children.

The page is being updated as new resources are identified so make sure to check back regularly.

The City of Port Phillip also provides a weekly newsletter to families called ‘Family News’ with other helpful information– particularly useful during the COVID-19 impact.

To add your name to the mailing list use this link:

Lady Forster Kindergarten - At Home Activites for Children in Port Philip

LFK Annual Open Day – 15th June

LFK Open Day June 15

We have our annual Open Day coming up on 15th June – the kindergarten will be open from 11 am to 1 pm.

Bring the family to explore our wonderful kindergarten and meet our dedicated educator team.

Children can enjoy face painting and kindergarten activities with a sausage sizzle.

If you would like to register for our waiting lists (2019, 2020 and 2021), click here.

We look forward to seeing you on the 15th – please email Julie at info@lfk.org.au if you’d like to attend or find out more about Lady Forster Kindergarten.

Body Safety and Protective Behaviours Workshop

Body Awareness

Body Safety Australia has partnered with City of Port Phillip and City of Stonnington to provide workshops for parents and carers on the prevention of child sexual abuse by supporting children in enjoying healthy, respectful relationships now and into the future. This workshop covers the key areas of body safety, including practical strategies to use at home with your child.


Deanne Carson is a leading speaker, educator and consultant on child sexual abuse prevention, sexuality education and respectful relationships. She was a finalist for the 2017 Victorian Protecting Children Leadership Award for her work as co-founder of Body Safety Australia.

Body Safety Australia partners with families and communities to prevent childhood abuse and to support children in enjoying healthy, respectful relationships now and into the future.

Topics Covered

  • Risks, myths and misconceptions about childhood abuse
  • Ten key areas of body safety inc. consent, assertive communication and identifying trusted adults
  • Age-appropriate play and sexual behaviour
  • Identifying grooming behaviours (online/physical environments)
  • Abuse prevention, inc. body safety strategies to use at home
  • Self-care

Each attendee will receive a booklet including useful information and activities to take home.

This workshop is a joint child safety initiative of the cities of Stonnington and Port Phillip.

Tickets: $10
Date: Wednesday 19th June 6.30 – 8.30 pm
Where: Malvern Town Hall

Reconciliation Week 27 May to 3 June

National Reconciliation Week 2019 Poster

The theme for National Reconciliation Week (NRW) in 2019 is:

  • Grounded in Truth
  • Walk Together with Courage

To foster positive race relations, the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the broader community must be grounded in a foundation of truth. Whether you’re engaging in challenging conversations or unlearning and relearning what you know, this journey requires all of us to walk together with courage

Reconciliation Australia has many helpful resources at their website: https://www.reconciliation.org.au/

Another great resource is available to journey through at the ‘Share Our Pride’ website:

It works through material in a certain order so each chapter builds on the last. You'll get a taste of traditional cultures and learn about our shared history

Access the resource here: http://www.shareourpride.org.au/

LFK Holiday Program Term 2

Lady Forster Kindergarten - Term 3 Holiday Program

Bookings are open for our NEXT Holiday Program for 2019!

The program is open to all children aged 3 to 7 years of age and children not currently enrolled at LFK are welcome.

To make a booking, please email or phone the office with your preferred dates to check there are still places available. For families that do not have children enrolled at LFK this year, please:

  • Complete and return the 2019 Enrolment form.
  • Provide your child’s current Immunisation History Statement and Birth Certificate.

Please email Julie for a copy of the enrolment form (holidayprogram@lfk.org.au)

Thank you!